If God Wills…

After waiting 21 days for everything to line up, I think my solo flight may actually happen tomorrow. The winds are projected to be lower tomorrow.  I need them to be under 10 kts.  Right now, they are projected to be between 7 and 15 kts along my route.  The great thing is, I have a personal relationship with the Maker of the winds so, I am confident that if it doesn’t work out, there is a good reason.  But, I look forward to being able to accomplish this flight.

For those who haven’t heard yet, I had 2 great interviews with a flight school in Ewing, NJ who is looking for a dispatcher.  More or less it is a customer service/sales position.  I am very excited about it.  It would be a huge blessing and could benefit me in many ways.   After my flight tomorrow, I was told that I could go to this flight school and shadow an employee  for this potentially new job.

I hope to find out tomorrow if the job is a good fit for both the company and myself.

So, apart from the election, there is a lot going on tomorrow.  And, whatever happens in our country and in my life, I will know that it is for my good and His glory.  God is so Good like that.  Thank you Jesus for your everlasting kindness toward us.  We are grateful.

7 thoughts on “If God Wills…

  1. Roberta timari says:

    Dear Liz,
    Thanks for sharing this wonderful news. We will be praying for perfect flying weather and for a safe and fun flight.
    God has you in the palm of his all-capable hand and will open and close the doors as He leads. All we have to do is obey.
    Hugs! Roberta and Frank

  2. Walt Graczyk says:

    Sounds Great Liz!
    Praying for your flight today, or whenever God makes fit for it to happen. And, praying for the customer service position – that it will work out and also open more doors for flying possibilities as well.
    And……, As far as the election – as long as Clinton & Trump (or whoever else….) stay out of the sky…., I think you be fine! lol…
    God Bless!,

  3. Bill and Dottie Roberts says:

    Hi, Will be checking the skies today and hope all goes well both with your flying and the election. Thankfully we know who is in control of you and our country and we pray for the best in each case.
    Will pray for this opportunity in Ewing. Sounds good. Bill and Dottie

  4. Corine says:

    I can feel your excitement! Ewing is where I went to college and met some friends that lasted all my life. may the Lord bless this new step on your journey.
    “and who is this who the winds obey ?”

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