Thank you to Jesus, WAI (Oshkosh) and those that proofread my scholarship questionnaire. Today, I received word that I was awarded a $500 flight training scholarship from the Women in Aviation chapter out of Oshkosh, WI. I am so thrilled! This is the first scholarship I have ever received and I am excited to use it for God’s glory! (Okay, it is the first one I have ever applied to…haha! but I am still thrilled)
Hallelujah!!! Praise His Name!!! 🙂
Here is an excerpt from the email I received:
“the reason for my email to you was to let you know that you were selected to receive our chapter’s Spirit of Flight scholarship.
One of my colleagues will formally announce today at AirVenture that you are the winner.
We were very impressed with your application and your goals.
Hope you are having a good week, too.
Best to you,
Linda Grady
WAI Oshkosh Vice President and Co-Chair Scholarship Committee”
For the last 2 months, God has shown Himself in amazing ways in my life. He has always been there. His peace had been a part of my life but He is giving me visions and glimpses of the future and the bright path He has ahead for me.
I am truly in awe of Him. That He can take someone from their filth and create a beautiful destiny for them. I love the Lord and He has heard my cry.
God has been lavishing me with His grace and favor. He is opening doors and parting the Red Sea in my life.
I was reading the Daily Bread for today. Two things I struggle with are fear and insecurity. God has told me in my spirit that He will help me overcome those weaknesses in my faith, specifically within the ministry of Barbara’s Place, here at Keswick. This morning I read the passage in Psalm 34 that says,
4″I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. 5 Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.
I am so blessed. The first verse says, 1 “I will extol the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips.” This, of course reminded me of the popular worship song “Ever Be” by Kalley Heiligenthal of Bethel Music.
Our God is so good. HE IS FAITHFUL. Whatever circumstances you find yourself in today, know that God has a purpose for everything He does. Nothing is ever wasted. I was talking to a friend last night. You know, we have all heard the analogy that God is weaving a tapestry. All I could think of is those knotted rugs that I used to see when I was a kid. Those knots aren’t comfortable. The fabric is being pulled, stretched and carefully guided into its place. As my friend noted, every once and a while, God lets us get a sneak peek of the beautiful masterpiece He is working on. For that, I am blessed. I don’t deserve Him, never-mind His love and grace lavished on my life. I am basking in His sunshine. I know these good and special days are a gift and won’t last forever. Please rejoice with me in His goodness. He is working out something beautiful in my life.