I was reading in my devotions this morning about the widows mite. I could relate because that is how I feel right now. I am giving everything I have into finishing my license. I know God is going to show Himself loud and clear.
Right now, I am anxious about not being ready for my checkride (my final exam to get my license). My checkride is scheduled for one week from today, Thursday July 5th. I feel like I have learned all that I need to know. I just need to remember and apply it all which is the hard part.
As most of you know, my health has been a challenge over the last couple of months, especially. We did find out that I was deficient in iron and a couple of other vitamins that are directly linked with one’s energy levels and ability to cope with stress. While I was taking the new supplements, my energy levels were good. About two weeks ago, my supplements were running low and I thought, “Let me stop taking them for a while and see if they were really helping or maybe I took enough to restore my body.” The following week my energy level tanked. In one way, I was grateful so I could be sure the supplements were working but on the other hand, it has been a struggle to get back to where I was. With the checkride coming up and my flying more regularly while still working maintenance, my body has not been able to keep up.
So, I wrap it up by saying this. I feel like I don’t have much to offer in terms of bodily strength in preparing for my checkride but I give it to God. I will try my best to leave it in His hands. My goal is to study and fly when I can with joy and leave the results up to Him. This is much easier said than done! I would really appreciate your prayers on my behalf. Crossing this bridge will be monumental in not only my life but in the lives of so many others who are desperate for help.
Thank you for taking the time to read this update. Your prayers are priceless.
Liz 🙂