I cannot believe that 2020 has come and gone. This year God allowed me to begin my studies in Trauma Counseling, and I have completed 12 credits toward my degree. I have learned so much and look forward to future classes.
Since it has been a while since I have written, I will take you back a little. I will start with my visit to my sister’s back in September.
It had been 11 months since I had seen my sister and her children. Our family made plans to rent a cabin where my parents could drive down from Wisconsin, and we could all spend time together. It was so good to be together again. We were able to celebrate my mom’s birthday and explore the Indiana Dunes.
While with my sister, we spent much time walking trails and enjoying the outdoors. My most memorable trip was eating dinner at Jail House Pizza. The restaurant was transformed from a rustic jail, built in 1906, into the tourist attraction it is today.
My sister Jen and I, enjoying a nature walk.

And, Lots of Cargo…
Harvest has been growing leaps and bounds. We have seen an increase in new missionaries we are serving in Belize, resulting in a significant boost in the amount of cargo we are preparing and sending. We have been receiving over 200 boxes each month, totaling over 2,000 lbs of cargo. As you can imagine, this takes up much of my time.
Please pray that God provides volunteers to assist with this growing and wonderful ministry. Please also continue to pray as I seek avenues to assist in the fight against human trafficking.
December Belize Cargo Latest Bahama Relief Flight
As always, I cannot thank you all enough for your support through encouragement, prayers, and finances. Since September, I have needed to decrease my monthly allotment by $600 and am currently only maintaining 50% of the funding that I had last year. I know God will provide, but I would appreciate your thoughts and prayers, especially over the next few months.
If you would like to donate, either a one-time gift or a monthly recurring contribution, please click the Donate button below. Again, thank you very much!
In closing, I would like to wish you all a very, Merry Christmas! Please take time to reflect on the best gift ever given–Jesus Christ! We have so much to be thankful for!
Bye for now,
Liz 🙂