It was a great weekend–but a long one. I had a flight scheduled for Monday morning and I knew I was supposed to solo but I felt unprepared and exhausted the night before. I wasn’t sure how it would go but the next morning I felt better but nervous. My instructor has so much confidence in me so he stepped out of the airplane. I took off and landed safely 3 times. This morning I was set to go to the practice area by myself, just about 15 miles from the airport. The nerves set in once I got to the airport. By the time I got into the plane, I was a bundle of nerves. I tried to shake it off and forced myself at least to takeoff and land but after the third time, I knew it wasn’t going to go away. I hope I can go up again soon. I know I can do it. I just need to prepare better so I have nothing to be scared of. Prayers appreciated.