Hi friends,
I am so excited to share this news I just received!
On Saturday, I participated in a rescue project in Bridgewater, NJ, with two of my close friends. We joined 195 volunteers in distributing bars of soap and posters of missing children to hotels in the surrounding area, while others did the same in other parts of the state. The soaps we delivered to the hotels had the national human trafficking hotline number on the wrapper. The hope is that victims being held against their will would see the number and contact the hotline to receive help. These soaps have helped rescue victims of human trafficking in the past, and our prayer was that the Lord would help many more through our effort on Saturday. I was so blessed to be a part of this rescue project!
I was overjoyed when I received the following news from CAN, the non-profit we served with…
Thanks to all those who participated, planned, prayed, and partnered to make history together! We invite you to continue as TOGETHER we build an army of everyday abolitionists and put best practice services in reach of EVERY survivor!
The reports are all being tallied. So far we know…
566 registered
4 kids were identified from our missing children’s poster by hotel staff while volunteers were there (1 in South Jersey & 3 in Central Jersey)
2 suspicious situations of minors being pictured posing provocatively by adults in hotels while volunteers were passing by required on-the-spot reporting (1 in South & 1 in North)
Nearly 100% of staff received part or all of the supplies.
The Sand Paper & News12 covered the event. Here is one link:
#TogetherWeCAN #EndSlavery
I was so blessed to hear this news and to be a part of this huge endeavor to end trafficking! This work is so satisfying to my soul as I act in the purpose God has created me for.
In other AWESOME news…!!!
After four days of being discouraged by the enemy, God showed Himself all-powerful and victorious when the breakthrough came. I was handed a $10,000 check toward the work God has called me to!! I feel so humbled that God has entrusted me to this work. I am currently at 44% and am praying the Lord will continue to open doors for me to receive 100% funding in a timely manner. Please pray with me as I seek opportunities to share this exciting mission and that I would receive the funding I need to serve full-time with Harvest Aviation in September.
Here is the direct link to my donation page if you would like to contribute to this need. Thank you in advance!
Rejoicing in the LORD,
Yours in service,
Liz 🙂