So, while God is always good, life isn’t always easy. I guess you could say it hasn’t been all roses. Of course not, it’s winter and that describes well the season of life I am just coming out of.
The Chieftain is our mission airplane. Since I arrived in September it felt like an ongoing saga to get the airplane flying again. The repairs just kept coming.
I spent nearly every week day working on it and sometimes even on Saturdays. I spent many hours on my own. It was difficult but I learned so much and gained more confidence in my mechanical abilities.
Apart from that, life away from the hangar was also challenging. The house that I moved into back in September had a considerable amount of mold in it. I spent months trying to research, treat and clean the problem areas. My uncle who owns a construction business and has experience dealing with mold came to visit and give me his advice knowing that there was going to be some extensive repairs needed. After that trip, compiling all the data I had, I decided to move on from that house. Several friends opened up their homes to me while I tried to find a place of my own. I am so thankful for the generosity of others. On February 28th, a group of good friends helped me move into my new place; a 2 bedroom/ 2 bathroom apartment located in our little downtown. I really like it.
So, the airplane has been finished now. It is ready to fly but due to Covid-19, flights have been temporarily suspended. The irony. I feel like I am on the mend. With the plane repairs completed and an apartment of my own, I feel like I can take a deep breath and settle in. I am hoping to begin my instrument rating within the next 2-3 weeks. There is a gentleman who is a member of Harvest who is allowing staff to use his personal plane for free! We just have to pay the fuel cost. I am trying to find a healthy balance; trying to juggle work, training and personal life. I am just grateful to be in a position mentally to even consider training again. Praise be to God!
I am excited at the potential that Harvest has. I was praying yesterday, quite literally, that God would work a miracle. I knew he heard me and while I did not know even what that meant exactly, I trusted that He knew exactly what I needed. I knew that he might not answer my prayer the way I might want Him to but I could trust that if He didn’t that there was a reason. Well, there I was talking with a co-worker when 2 gentleman walked in. Their rudder pedal had broken during flight and they needed to borrow some tools. Of course (sarcasm), we just happened to have a salvageable rudder pedal that fit their aircraft (Can we say “God”?). Come to find out, they were both aircraft mechanics. They were retired and live just 30 mins away. I threw out my best recruiting pitch which was nothing more than a plea for help and they were interested! By the time they left they had filled out volunteer waivers and made plans to come back Friday to meet more of the staff. I cannot tell you how excited I was. A true answer to prayer. 2 mechanics that “love” working on airplanes. I told them they were a miracle. The one guy said, “I’ve been called a lot of things before but never a miracle.” I laughed. It is such a relief. There is much to be done here at Harvest. There is great vision and opportunity for further ministry but we need the personnel to do it. Today, God answered our prayers and sent 2 men our way. They will not be full-time but I believe they will be a great asset to the ministry here. Thank you to the Lord who provides!!!
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. I look forward to visiting NJ/PA May 26-June 1oth. It will be great to see many friends and give personal reports to churches on how things have been going.
Stay safe everyone and I hope to see you soon!
Liz 🙂