Hi friends,

Last month, I began praying and seeking ways to be involved in ministering to victims of sex trafficking. Within just a few days, doors started opening. The most interesting opportunity was the chance to help look for a 15-year old girl who had run away from home and had been missing for 10 days. The girl was found and is in a safe place now. That was very rewarding.
Secondly, through my church in NJ, I was introduced to a young woman who has been a victim of sexual assault and offered to meet with her virtually for counseling. We had our first session two weeks ago. We will be working through material together to help her find hope and healing through Christ.
Additionally, this Monday, I began Liberty University’s online Master’s program in Trauma and Crisis Counseling. I am looking forward to learning more as I feel unequipped right now. The reality that we as believers in Jesus have is that The Counselor lives inside of us, the Holy Spirit, and He will lead and direct our hearts through His Word. I am thankful for the opportunity to better understand how God created us, how to better help others, and be better equipped for the future.
Lastly, I will personally be meeting with the Director of Harvest (a former pastor) to go through an area of my life where I need healing. While it will surely be uncomfortable, I know that it is necessary to continue working on these vices each of us have. I don’t know if we ever ‘arrive.’ It seems to be just one human trying to help another human thrive in this journey we call life.

Thank you again for your continued support both through your prayers and your pockets (as Pastor Tone Bellamy would say, haha!). While I was fully supported financially for one year, September will mark the end of that year. For the following year, I only have 50% of the funds needed to sustain my ministry. Please pray with me that God will provide above and beyond what I could ask or imagine. He is Faithful and I know that He will provide every need that I have. I am trusting Him.
Stay in touch and be blessed,
Liz 🙂