I would like to highlight just a couple of blessings and a continued prayer request.
I wanted to mention a couple of weeks back that I had been having some issues with my truck. She is getting elderly but keeps kicking! Two paychecks in a row I have had to spend $200 to keep her running. As frustrating as it can be to have a downed vehicle, I have to be honest and say that I enjoy learning more and more about my truck and how to repair it. The last event, my truck was “smoking” as if it was overheating but it ended up just being a small leak in my coolant hose and a free fix. I am so thankful for my co-worker Ryan who has really gone out of his way to help me and answer any questions I have.
This past weekend I was asked to speak at a prayer breakfast of sorts and share my passion for the ministry God has called me to. Of course, I was honored to be asked and deeply encouraged by the opportunity. The event is called Faith Forum and is hosted by Dick Haines, a friend from my home church, New Monmouth Baptist Church. Dick is an older gentleman and his heart and passion for making Christ known to the community is inspirational.
The small group of 12 seemed very attentive and even participated with questions. At the close of the meeting, several people donated funds equaling $120. As I was getting into my truck to leave, a friend saw that I was in need of replacing a bad tire and decided to bless me with 4 new tires and an alignment! What a true blessing!!! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! You know who you are.
It was so good to be home and spend time with some very dear friends while I was there. I hope to visit again soon.
This weekend, I have made plans to attend a women’s retreat at America’s Keswick with some ladies from my church. I am looking forward to it. America’s Keswick is where I worked this past summer so I trust I will see many friends and have a blessed time getting to know others. I pray that I will have the opportunity for some extended quiet time with the Lord. That would be nice.
My prayer request is that I would have divine wisdom and guidance regarding the completion of my private pilots license. I know the Lord will make it clear in His time. I just want to be wise with the funds people have graciously donated and make the right decision.
Thank you all for your prayers and concern,
Liz 🙂