Hi there!
I just wanted to take a quick minute to update everyone and ask for prayer (as suggested by one of you 😉 ).
I was hoping to take my written exam this Saturday but due to my health (I will get to that) and the local college being on Spring Break, I was not able to test. I just met with my flight instructor today to go over some materials I had been struggling with. It was a great meeting. I am confident that I will pass the test. We are going to meet one more time on Thursday morning for some last-minute questions and I will likely receive my instructor sign-off then. I will then take my written test this coming Saturday morning. The plan will be to start flying the following Monday.
As far as my health, I have been feeling an overall weakness and lack of energy which last month, in particular, was very limiting. At first, I thought I was fighting off the flu but after 6 weeks, I thought there might be more to it. I had my blood drawn on Wednesday morning for a nutrient test and the results are expected within 3 weeks.  Hopefully it is something as simple as a vitamin deficiency.
Due to the physical limitations, I have been forced to put the FBI fitness training on hold. I am trying to stay hydrated and get lots of sleep so I can pass my flight exams. Hopefully, as I clear things off my to-do list, the stress level will be decreased and I will see better health.
In summary, my prayer request is 1) for physical healing and 2) for my flight training to be completed uninterrupted. I am extremely grateful for the donations from so many of you that has allowed me to begin flight training again. I have no doubt in my mind that this is it! My goal is to have my pilot license by Memorial Day!!! 🙂
Thank you all for your care and prayers. I wouldn’t want to do any of this without the love and encouragement of my support team!
Liz 🙂
p.s. I also applied for a $1000 flight scholarship so if you would like to lift that up in prayer, I wouldn’t object 🙂 The winner will be notified by April 21, 2018. Thanks!